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Demographics via Candid

Funders are increasingly requesting demographic data from grant partners to better understand who they are supporting.

Due to the lack of comprehensive, public demographic data available, these additional requests can place a heavy burden on organizations to provide the information in a variety of ways and formats. 

To help address this issue, we are participating in Demographics via Candid, a campaign to promote greater transparency in the nonprofit field and expand our collective knowledge base.

This campaign empowers grant partners to share their demographic data one time (Data1x), on their Candid profile, where it can be accessed and re-used by all.

The result is increased efficiency and a reduced volume of requests on grant partners, so that they can focus more fully on what’s important: fulfilling their missions.  

We encourage you to participate in Demographics via Candid by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to and claim your profile if you haven’t done so already. Candid offers a free, on-demand course to help you claim and update your profile.  
  • Step 2: Update your profile’s demographic data section. Use Candid's survey template to start collecting and sharing demographic information responsibly. In return, we commit to referencing the Candid profile for your demographic information, instead of asking for it separately. 

Please note that participating in Demographics via Candid is not a requirement for completing a grant application with us. 

For more information on Demographics via Candid, please visit